This is the "before." You can't see the forest from the trees...
I love it when I show houses to prospective buyers. Most people I've learned will pay top dollar for a house that has been painted and updated, but even if it just needed a fresh coat of paint inside and a few light fixtures to be updated, many people have a hard time envisioning it. Hmmm...it makes what you'll see in this next picture simply amazing!

This is what was behind that "forest!" What do you think? Wouldn't you love to live here?

Here's the living room "before."

Here's the dining room:

and now a much more pleasant place to dine...

You could make a few changes to the kitchen...

and turn it into something like this...

This makes it all seem so easy. I think I'll go ask my husband to help me on a project at home...let's see if he is finished with his round of golf yet! Enjoy your day!